- International students office
- Manager
- Expert in educational services for international students
Administrative unit
- Admission Requirements
Admission and Consular
- Introducing Students affairs deputy office
- Students Affairs Office
Supervise and follow up on the optimal implementation of matters related to student management
Supervise and follow up the optimal implementation of affairs related to the health and counseling center
Supervise and follow up the optimal implementation of matters related to the Department of Physical Education and extracurricular activities
Supervise and follow up the optimal implementation of affairs related to the non-Iranian student unit, information and statistics unit
Preparation of standards and per capita to improve productivity, optimization and development of spaces related to the student deputy
Improving productivity and optimizing services based on standards
Compiling and updating the indicators of the Deputy Minister of Performance Orientation and determining the coefficient of importance and per capita of each
Follow up, create, complete and update statistical databases of the Student Vice Chancellor
Optimization of the structure and organization of the student deputy
Efforts to upgrade the field of student vice
Improving the decision-making mechanism
Reforming the budgeting system
Determine the cost of activities, services and products
Improving student deputy processes
Amend and improve the relevant administrative regulations and instructions
Implement a client honoring plan to increase their satisfaction
Updating and streamlining the website of the Student Vice Chancellor
Creating the ground for participation of different fields of higher education, students and academics in decision making
Control the performance of existing deputy systems and establish a clear relationship between them and strive for balanced promotion
Use of comprehensive and integrated systems in the field of transaction processing and management information
Transfer staff from busy sections of the Vice Chancellor to other departments of the Vice Chancellor or University
Targeting, needs assessment and planning for staff participation in Moore Dunyaz training courses